How to Brainstorm Pool Deck Ideas with Your Pool Deck Contractor

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How to Brainstorm Pool Deck Ideas with Your Pool Deck Contractor



Are you looking to build a deck for your above-ground pool? There are many considerations you should make before you officially hire a pool deck contractor. Here are some ways to brainstorm pool deck ideas before you hire someone.

Size and Shape

It’s important that you and your family agree upon the size and shape of your pool deck. A typical deck should be big enough for you to have space to walk around, sit, and participate in leisurely activities.

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You also want to make sure the deck will fit your needs and budget. Larger pool decks tend to be more expensive than smaller ones.

Extra Compartments

When building your pool deck, you should also consider the idea of extra compartments. Building in a basket where you can put dry or wet towels, or even a separate shower head, might be a good idea. Make sure to discuss all this with your pool deck contractor

There are plenty of ideas that you can brainstorm with your family when building a pool deck. Make sure you plan something that you really want, but that also fits inside your budget. Your pool deck can really make or break your yard, so make it the best it can be!


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