The Hard Facts about Concrete


Concrete is a sturdy material that typically lasts years upon years. Hydration causes cement and water to harden which turns the aggregates into a rock like solid mass. The process of these materials hardening doesn’t stop once a hard mass is formed, it continues for many years. This means that instead of concrete weakening over the years, it does the opposite and gets harder. This means that concrete has the capabilities of lasting thousands of years with some of the oldest man-made mix that we are aware of was made around the year 500 BC. Concrete is so strong that it is preferred and used more than any other mixes made by man. Using concrete, caring for it and repairing it when needed are important key points to ensuring that it lasts as long as it should. Let’s explore some key tips when it comes to concrete uses, concrete care, concrete safety and concrete repair.


There are a lot of uses for concrete, some that you are aware of because they are so popular, and some that you may not be aware of. Concrete makes great bridges, and because it is so strong and durable it is a popular material to construct bridges out of. Another popular use that you will see with concrete is culverts. Water is an incredibly strong substance as well, so if water is constantly going to be coming in contact with the material of a culvert, then you want to make sure the material that the culvert has been constructed of can withstand the water over time. Concrete can withstand water, and although it can wear down the concrete it will take significantly longer than other materials. Roads constructed from concrete have proven to be able to withstand the weight of multiple thousands of cars over the course of time. This means there will be less pot holes in the road, which means less time needing to repair them. This then means traffic will not be congested due to road construction, and workers will not have to wast time repairing roads meaning less time and money spent maintaining the roads.

Concrete Care

Caring for concrete will go a long way in helping it to last longer and encouraging concrete safety by eliminating cracks that can cause trips and falls. Concrete contractors should seal the concrete to ensure that it can repel moisture. Concrete should be kept clean by removing oil and spills. This is especially important for concrete safety to prevent slips. Chemicals that help ice melt faster, or chemicals the prevent ice from sticking should not be used on concrete. Following the recommended care instructions for concrete can save you the time and hassle of having to find concrete repair.

Concrete Repair

No matter how diligent you are in caring for your concrete, they may come a time when you find yourself looking for concrete repair. Whether you are looking for industrial concrete repair or residential concrete repair, there are few things that you should consider before hiring just anybody to work on your concrete. You want to ensure concrete expertise and concrete safety. You want to make sure that any concrete contractors that you speak with are trained and have experience. Make sure that they have performed this kind of work before. Ask them for references, ask on social media and look online to see if there are any reviews for the company or individual. There is nothing worse than paying for a job, getting ripped off and having no recourse, then shelling out more money to get the job done.

Following these tips and recommendations can help you to get the most out of your concrete and help you better understand what makes up the concrete material. Although it is an incredibly hard material, proper care must still be taken in order to make sure that it lasts as long as it is supposed to. With these tips you can be sure to get many years of life out of your concrete, and you will know where you can turn if a problems arises with your concrete in the future.

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